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Our Three New Valley of Peoria 33° Candidates!

Bill Shaner

Congratulations to brothers Randy Vawter, Larry Eskridge and Dave Crew on their announcement of becoming 33° at Supreme Council in Louisville, Kentucky in August of 2023.

The Valley received the opportunity to receive three 33° after each Valley in Illinois received one by order of the Deputy for the State of Illinois, Illustrious Brother Greg Clark 33°. We received a second for hitting the new member total set by Supreme Council. The third because we received the Valley of Excellence award from Supreme Council.

Randy Vawter

Larry Eskridge

Dave Crew

Active for the State of Illinois, Illustrious Brother Nick Graff MSA, 33° says these brothers are very deserving for this honor for the work they have done as Scottish Rite members as well as what they've done for masonry and their communities in general. It's a sentiment echoed by Commander in Chief, Illustrious Brother Mike Nuske MSA, 33°.

Having chatted with these three brothers myself they all say they were shocked to get the call and their phones and emails have been numerous offering congratulations!



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Valley of Peoria 

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